Thursday, December 31, 2009
Isaac at the computer
He's getting so good at playing on the computer. He's gotten to the point with most games, that I just have to get him set up with the game and he can do the rest. It is so amazing how fast he's picked it up. He's even figured out how to navigate netflix and youtube for the most part. My little genius!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Computer learning
Isaac is learning to use the computer. He likes playing the PBS games, Thomas and Friends, and here he is playing Roary matching game. Sam does most of the playing with him, usually when he gets home from work and I'm cooking dinner. Lately Isaac is trying to use the mouse more and more. It's neat to see how fast he's getting it. He had complete control over the mouse when playing the matching game, he knew which cards he wanted to turn and he was able to do it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Bringing some cukes in from the garden.
These pictures are me testing my phone downloading capabilities...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryWednesday, August 5, 2009
Our day at Odiorne
One of the bigger crabs we found. Certainly not a keeper per Deadliest Catch standards, ;~)
At one point a young girl (tween age) came over to us to see what we had found. She Isaac what he had and he held up his hand and yells "Crabbers!!!"

After crabbing for a while we went to the playground.

Walking the path...
At the Ice House after, Isaac got mint chocolate chip with jimmies. :~)

Which he loved!
A lot!
The sunset on our ride home.

Isaac asked to go to the bathroom so we pulled over at the Old Navy in Portsmouth to go and as we were pulling into the parking lot there was a little bunny in one of the grassy dividers. Not the best pic but it was pretty dark, and obviously I couldn't get too close. Isaac was so excited to see the bunny, and really how odd that it was in a parking lot of a city!
After crabbing for a while we went to the playground.
Walking the path...
Which he loved!
Isaac asked to go to the bathroom so we pulled over at the Old Navy in Portsmouth to go and as we were pulling into the parking lot there was a little bunny in one of the grassy dividers. Not the best pic but it was pretty dark, and obviously I couldn't get too close. Isaac was so excited to see the bunny, and really how odd that it was in a parking lot of a city!
I have to say, I'm wasn't inclined to go to Odiorne because it lacks a sandy beach, but we had the BEST time, and I would go back in an instant! On the other hand, it's a lot of walking for an 8 1/2 months pregnant lady, lol. Still worth though!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Octopus's Garden
We were listening to The Beatles the other day and that song came on and Isaac was singing along to it. It was so cute! Then he was asking to hear it again, he kept pulling out the CD's and saying, "me hear octopus garden?"
This morning he woke up and was singing it to us.:-)
I think we have a Beatles fan on our hands! ;-)
This morning he woke up and was singing it to us.:-)
I think we have a Beatles fan on our hands! ;-)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
playing on his own
Lately Isaac has started to play on his own. Setting up his own games and playing them. Today he was setting up little wooden people and bowling with them.
He sometimes sets up several cars or other objects and I can see his thought expanding beyond just single objects. He's usually talking the whole time, but I can't really make out what he is saying. It's so amazing to watch him grow and see how his thought process is developing.
I've also seen a difference in how he is playing with others. We had some friends come over yesterday, Jamie, and her son Xander who is 5 and her daughter Zoe who is just a couple of months younger than Isaac.
As soon as they got here Isaac and Xander started playing and they did the whole time. I have some great pics I took on my phone, but I have no idea how to get them to my blog. I do have them on Facebook, so you could see them there. They are of the three of them playing in a wet sandbox, they are all soaked and covered in sand, and having a BLAST!
His personality is just growing so much and it is such a joy and blessing to be part of it.
He sometimes sets up several cars or other objects and I can see his thought expanding beyond just single objects. He's usually talking the whole time, but I can't really make out what he is saying. It's so amazing to watch him grow and see how his thought process is developing.
I've also seen a difference in how he is playing with others. We had some friends come over yesterday, Jamie, and her son Xander who is 5 and her daughter Zoe who is just a couple of months younger than Isaac.
As soon as they got here Isaac and Xander started playing and they did the whole time. I have some great pics I took on my phone, but I have no idea how to get them to my blog. I do have them on Facebook, so you could see them there. They are of the three of them playing in a wet sandbox, they are all soaked and covered in sand, and having a BLAST!
His personality is just growing so much and it is such a joy and blessing to be part of it.
Baby Jacoby
So we had a little stress for a while. Last week my regular glucose test came back on the high side (140, nurse said 130 is the highest they like to see), so I had to do the 3 hour fasting test. That's what they call it, but really it's a 13 hour fasting test, as you have to fast for 10 hours and then sit in a waiting room for 3 hours while they test you blood 4 separate times (and a full draw for each, plus a finger prick when you first get there) to see how you break down the sugar solution.
I was so hungry when I got there and just felt miserable. The sugar solution was gross, it was this thick lemon/lime, non-carbonated solution, and super sweet.
But on the plus, the sugar drink kept me from feeling really hungry. It wasn't as bad as I was anticipating, I actually got a chance to read uninterrupted for almost three hours.
And of course the good news is that everything is fine and I do not have gestational diabetes!
So everything can continue as normal, and in around 11 weeks +/- we will have little Jacoby! <3
I was so hungry when I got there and just felt miserable. The sugar solution was gross, it was this thick lemon/lime, non-carbonated solution, and super sweet.
But on the plus, the sugar drink kept me from feeling really hungry. It wasn't as bad as I was anticipating, I actually got a chance to read uninterrupted for almost three hours.
And of course the good news is that everything is fine and I do not have gestational diabetes!
So everything can continue as normal, and in around 11 weeks +/- we will have little Jacoby! <3
Thursday, May 7, 2009
More isims
Thomas and friends- not unusual in itself, but it's cute because he calls anything with Thomas by the full name. Even his Thomas train is Thomas and friends, as though it was one long name.
Danny lion poop- dandelion poof
Teeny one- anything small is teeny one, not sure where he even picked up the word teeny, we don't use it that I can think of.
little bit- measurement of something small. I put his dinner down and he will say, "This hot?" and I will say not really, and he'll say, "little bit hot"
ies- everything has ies on the end, motorcycies, tracties (tractors), wormies...
I really should do the isim posts during the day when my mind is functioning better, lol.
Danny lion poop- dandelion poof
Teeny one- anything small is teeny one, not sure where he even picked up the word teeny, we don't use it that I can think of.
little bit- measurement of something small. I put his dinner down and he will say, "This hot?" and I will say not really, and he'll say, "little bit hot"
ies- everything has ies on the end, motorcycies, tracties (tractors), wormies...
I really should do the isim posts during the day when my mind is functioning better, lol.
Frost Farm
We went to Frost Farm yesterday with LEAP. Isaac was loving the little stream the path crosses over in the woods. Funny, last year he wouldn't go near water, I think it will be much different this year...

He was also having fun playing in the field with the other kids. It really amazing to watch him develop. He's always been fascinated by watching older kids play, but he use to just do what they did by himself. So a couple of kids would be running around and he would run around by himself, but now I see him trying to interact with the other kids as they are playing. He doesn't seem to know exactly what to do yet, but I can see the thought and process developing. Luckily most of our friends are unschoolers so their kids seem more use to playing with kids of all ages, and aren't put off by a little two year old wanting to play with them. Plus, Isaac is just so stinkin' cute ;~)
He was also having fun playing in the field with the other kids. It really amazing to watch him develop. He's always been fascinated by watching older kids play, but he use to just do what they did by himself. So a couple of kids would be running around and he would run around by himself, but now I see him trying to interact with the other kids as they are playing. He doesn't seem to know exactly what to do yet, but I can see the thought and process developing. Luckily most of our friends are unschoolers so their kids seem more use to playing with kids of all ages, and aren't put off by a little two year old wanting to play with them. Plus, Isaac is just so stinkin' cute ;~)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Isaac's sweet colorful vocabulary:
This will be an ongoing list...
Rock bits- rockets
boody- Buddha
spun pants- sponge bob
bider- spider
hoppies- grass hopper
wormies- worms
munty- monkey (which is both cats, even though one is named squeaky)
hel-topter- helicopter
Oh hi _____ (mama, papa, Deanie,)
Go out side and get worms
Bye friends, see you soon friends
Me go work now (as he gets his back pack and my keys and drives in his Flintstone car)
Me see baby in belly (as he looks in my belly button)
There will be more to come....
This will be an ongoing list...
Rock bits- rockets
boody- Buddha
spun pants- sponge bob
bider- spider
hoppies- grass hopper
wormies- worms
munty- monkey (which is both cats, even though one is named squeaky)
hel-topter- helicopter
Oh hi _____ (mama, papa, Deanie,)
Go out side and get worms
Bye friends, see you soon friends
Me go work now (as he gets his back pack and my keys and drives in his Flintstone car)
Me see baby in belly (as he looks in my belly button)
There will be more to come....
Thank you, sorry, please
We have never taught Isaac to say any of those words. Our thinking is that he will develop gratitude and empathy a lot better if it's not forced on him. Not to mention the whole having to say please before being giving something just makes my skin crawl. Could you imagine asking someone for something and they said, "what's the magic word?" How degrading is that?
Anyway, he has started saying all of those all on his own. A few times I thought I heard him say thank you, which made me pause, but then I just started saying, "your welcome" back. Then I noticed please, not usually on the first asking, but if I don't respond right away or try to redirect him to something else (think, "Please mama, more candy!" lol). Now he says sorry all the time, for everything. If you trip him by accident he will say sorry to you. It's so sweet the way he says it, "oh, sorry mama".
I find it so interesting that he pick these words up at the same time on his own. It's just really cool to see him developing like this.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What a cute little girl...
Grrrr... I know he has long hair, I realize most little boys do not, but Isaac looks like a boy, we dress him very boyishly. Still, no matter what, everytime we go out I hear at least once, usually several times, "Oh what a sweet little girl you have..."
So here are some pics of Isaac's hair...
Sam and I ask Isaac regularly if he likes his long hair, and he says, "Yes, Iss have long hair" We show him that mama has long hair and papa has short hair, and he will again say he (Iss) has long hair, so I think he understands what we are saying and asking him. He did cut his bangs the other day. Just a little :~) He had some kids scissors and said he was going to cut his hair and Sam asked me if I thought they would work, and I said, "No, they're just kids scissors, they'll probably just bend his hair..." Wrong, lol. But the way he did it, it actually flows quite nicely with the rest of his hair as you can see in the pic above.
Isaac's got wormies
Isaac has developed a new passion in life...worms. Every morning he wakes up and with in a few minutes he is asking to, "Go outside, get worms?" He loves them! The dog has a blanket that is on the ground which makes for prime worm finding. At first most of the worms didn't make it back to the ground (well not alive anyway), but now we are trying to work with Isaac about letting them back into the ground to help the garden.
Alpaca tour
Our unschooling group (cuke) group did a tour of alpaca farm...

The kids running in the driveway, I don't have any pics of Isaac and the pacas cause he slept the whole ride up and then was very grumpy and uninterested in anything to do with them. I wish he hadn't slept cause I think he would have really liked giving them "kisses" (You just stand at the fence and they will come to you and press their noses on you)
At Jamie's after for lunch and play, Isaac and Zoe using the force...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Isaac has been counting a lot lately. he counts everything, his fingers things he sees, everything.
Right now he's numbers go in this order, 1 2 3 9 6 4 always in that order. Yesterday and today he has started to throw 11 in there after 4.
It's so neat to hear him count all on his own, I've never pushed him or tried to get him to do it, he just wants to.
Just letting him learn on his own as he goes. Sometimes I ask him if he wants me to count with him and he usually says, "yes". And he waits and listens to the order of my numbers. It's really neat to know that he's learning this because he wants to, not because I'm trying to get him learn it.
Right now he's numbers go in this order, 1 2 3 9 6 4 always in that order. Yesterday and today he has started to throw 11 in there after 4.
It's so neat to hear him count all on his own, I've never pushed him or tried to get him to do it, he just wants to.
Dinosaur egg
Sam found a dinosaur egg at Micheal's that you put in water and it hatches over a few days. Isaac loved this, it was very exciting to check on it first thing in the morning and through out the day. Of course it's tough to be patient when you see a little dinosaur peeking out at you.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Our last snow storm
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