Thursday, July 2, 2009

playing on his own

Lately Isaac has started to play on his own. Setting up his own games and playing them. Today he was setting up little wooden people and bowling with them.
He sometimes sets up several cars or other objects and I can see his thought expanding beyond just single objects. He's usually talking the whole time, but I can't really make out what he is saying. It's so amazing to watch him grow and see how his thought process is developing.

I've also seen a difference in how he is playing with others. We had some friends come over yesterday, Jamie, and her son Xander who is 5 and her daughter Zoe who is just a couple of months younger than Isaac.
As soon as they got here Isaac and Xander started playing and they did the whole time. I have some great pics I took on my phone, but I have no idea how to get them to my blog. I do have them on Facebook, so you could see them there. They are of the three of them playing in a wet sandbox, they are all soaked and covered in sand, and having a BLAST!

His personality is just growing so much and it is such a joy and blessing to be part of it.

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