Went GREAT! I whole heartedly recommend the practice we went to. It's Groton Wellness. They are an holistic dentist and do not push or even recommend flouride. They believe in treating the whole patient and not just drilling and filling. They are also a spa...:~)
Isaac does have cavities, but since we've been incorporating some of the WAP philosphies there has not been any progresion in the decay. So we will go back in 6 months and see how things look.
Everyone there was so friendly and helpful. They NEVER made us feel like bad parents because our child has cavities. The hygeintist cleaned Isaac's teeth while Isaac was sitting in Sam's lap. She had tried to put the chair back, but when he got up set she put the chair up right and did all the work like that. They talked *to* Isaac the whole time, not at him or just to us. Isaac was laughing by the end of the cleaning. They even gave him cool spiderman sunglasses to wear for the cleaning so the light didn't bother him.
After the cleaning we went to their bistro, and got fruit smoothies and sprouted grain cookies. Yeah, they actually had sprouted grain cookies, oh and gluten free brownies. Then we went to find a pair of spiderman sunglasses for Isaac. :~) Who ever thought a day at the dentist would be so much fun!!!
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