Tuesday, April 24, 2012


 Eight new little ones have joined us.  We got a little mix match of chickie to add to the flock.  Three Ameraucanas (blue egg layers), one barred rock, two buffed orpingtons, and two hall cross.  I've never heard of the hall cross before, but it's supposed to be a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a white chicken producing a RIR with high lights.  I so enjoy looking out into the yard and seeing all different colored chickens running around, so I wanted a good mix.
 And of course my Isaac was ready to play with them.  He has always been so gentle with the baby chicks, even as a very young toddler, he could hold them with out much supervision.  Jacoby, on the other hand, has to be highly supervised as he just doesn't understand how very fragile they are.

 Isaac holding them and "examining" them (pretending to be a vet).  These little ladies will get plenty of handling, which helps them be more friendly as they age.  And Isaac will get one of the best lessons in life, one of care and gentleness and an understanding of where food comes from (in this case eggs, these aren't meat birds.  Though I would like to do broilers soon...).  And a whole lot of fun playing with them while they are little and he can pretend they are "jumping over the moon" as he gently jumps them over their heat lamp. 
And, of course, there is one other member of the house quite interested in our new addition.  And a mama who is a little nervous the door to the storage room where they are housed, will get left open during one of the kids visits.

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