Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy busy

We have just been so busy, I haven't had time to update. Let's see last week, oh no, it was two weeks ago, we had an Earth day celebration at a friend's house, there where tons of people there! I have some great pics, but it's too late for me to grab them (it's 11 pm, my only personal time LOL).

Here is one that was on the web that someone else took.

Let's see it's all so blurry, LOL. Last week I don't think too much happened, nothing that is coming to my very tired mind.

Yesterday, Cinco de Mayo we had a party at a friends house, again it was a blast! I forgot my camera, so no pics. There was a pinata, that Isaac didn't get to take a swing at, but after he had the stick and was practicing on the ground. Next time for sure! He also had his first lollipop (it was the organic no HFCS type, so not too bad). He loved it, although I had to wash a couple of times, boy I forgot just how sticky they are.

Today we stayed home. We did go out for a nice walk/run, 3 miles. I really needed to get out and so did the dog. It was so nice out, minus the black flies that have come out in full force. And then the best part, the bank came back and agreed to the final price, so everything is all set we just have to sign the papers on Monday!!! I will be posting pictures next time we go, not sure if I'll do it here or on Picasa. Probably both. Anyway, I have to get to bed, just thought I'd update, since I never have time during the day.

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