Monday, December 15, 2008

Surviving with out power

We made it! Even the fish whom we had to boil pots of water for. We lost power on Thursday night around 11:30ish and it didn't come back on till Sunday at 6:30. Most of the time there was a feeling of fun quaintness, but when those lights came on and the clocks started flashing on Sunday I was beyond happy and relieved!

We stayed in our back bedroom which has a propane fireplace that was working (although not the blower on it) so it kept that room moderately warm. We went to my parent's house on Saturday, they lost power too, but have a generator hooked up to the house so we were able to shower and hang out and be warm. On the way there we went through Deerfield on Middle road and South road, it was crazy! There were trees limbs all over the place; power lines across the road. And the trees were so coated with ice, and the birches were all bowed down to the road, it was like nothing I've ever seen before.

These were all from our yard, above a bowing birch, a close up of the birch, the sun shining through the woods, and a white pine.

And one blurry one of Sam and Isaac with no lights on (camera couldn't focus, it was too dark). Isaac has his head lamp on. :~)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This little light

Now that we are inside more the TV has been on much more. Mostly we watch our local PBS station. During some of the breaks between shows they play a version of the song "This Little Light of Mine". It has become Isaac's and mine special song. Every time it plays we hug each other and sing it together, of course Isaac's version lack words, but he hums and woos. I've come to think of it as our connection song because no matter where we are or what we are doing we stop, come together, and reconnect. It's just so sweet and wonderful, and makes me so happy to be right where we are at that moment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our bed

Isaac is really into our bed lately. He's been playing there and putting his baby to sleep. It's so sweet, he puts her in and lays down and kisses her and then he'll sing to her. I got some pics the other day so I thought I'd share. That's it for the writing portion, since Isaac is asleep on my right arm, so I'm typing with just my left.

The one with Sam is him deciding it's time for Papa to wake up and read to him.
And the one of him with his arms by his head is how he was sleeping, I just thought he looked funny, so I added it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apple Pickin' II

Wanted to add this pic as well. It's just cute. This is Isaac enjoying a large maple lollipop (this did not sound appealing to me at all, Isaac picked it out, and turns out was quite good). Later he dropped it on the sand and it was covered with "sprinkles". I brought it home and rinsed it off, and we still have half of it.

Today (Wed), we went to the library this morning, for story time. Isaac wasn't really into it, he'd rather play with the train set there. This would be the exact same trains he has at home (minus the track), but what ever he still enjoyed his time there.

Apple Picking

We went apple picking at Carter Hill Tuesday with our unschooling group.

This is our group on the tractor ride.

Carter Hill also has a large play area with some sand and a large play house and a bunch of cars and toys. This is Isaac and his buddy Keller.
Isaac had so much fun he slept for 3 hours after, from 3:30 when we left till just about 6:30 at night, and he still went to sleep at his usual time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Camping this weekend

We had so much fun, despite the cold temperatures. Isaac loves being outside playing so two days of outside only and some friends to play with was perfect for him.

And for the first time this season, Isaac was interested in going in the lake, unfortunately for him, it's a little too late in the season. No Frozen babies, please. So Papa helped him play, while staying dry.

Of course he still managed to get his feet wet, too bad they were in his shoes at the time, lol.

We roasted marshmallows and made smores, we also cooked veggie dogs over the camp fire, and they came out good (you never know with veggie dogs, slightly over cook them and they turn into rocks). We were camping with three other families from our homeschooling group, and we all shared dinner and breakfast. It was so much fun, I can't wait to go next year, although perhaps a little earlier in the season, so we don't freeze as much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We had our Not Back to School picnic a few Mondays ago, we had so much fun. It was at Odiorne State Park, perfect place!! There was so much to do, look through the rock, play on the equipment, EAT, talk with all ouir friends.

Isaac loved it. In particular he loves the slide!!

He went up and down over 20 times, he loved it!! Infact he loved it so much that I started to seriuosly look into getting him a swingset with a slide. Found out the nice wooden ones that we like are a tad over our budget. So we decided to put getting one on hold for now. Then out of the blue Sam's mom sends me a link to Craig's list with a swing set. Perfect!! It has TWO slides, a straight one and a twirling one.

So we went to check it out yesterday and as soon as Isaac saw it he was soooo excited. He went running to it, like, "Hey! there's my swing set." He doesn't even get that excited at the park. He went right up the ladder and down the slide. It's like it was meant to be. We are going tonight to pick it up. I'm so excited. I can't wait for Isaac to see it in his yard.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

So finally, this is our new house, and I think that is little Isaac walking in front of the car. The shudders are gone and the garage door has been replaced, and the gardens are much more filled in, one might actually say over grown ;).

Here is little Isaac helping out with Papa's drill.
He's in the living room by the hall to the bedrooms. All the scraps on the floor are from the wallpaper removing. Wallpaper is evil!

Nakey Isaac and Papa, in front of a closet that no longer exists! Where Sam is will be were the fridge will be going and where Isaac is there will be a pantry closet. BTW, I pulled all the framing off around the doors and such, it was a lot of fun, I love demolition!! I also pulled out half of the cabinets on my own, Isaac helped a little too. :D

Monday, June 9, 2008

Unschooling article

I really like this article on unschooling, thought I'd add it to my blog

I LIVE THEREFORE I LEARN: Living an Unschooling
LifeBy Pam Sorooshian

Unschooling is both easy and difficult to describe. The easy answer is that unschooling means "not schooling," but it is a lot harder to explain what we do instead of schooling.Unschooling means not depending on the usual school methods. It means no lesson plans, no curriculum, no assignments, no quizzes or tests, no required memorizing, and no grades. It means that the parent does not become the child's schoolteacher— it means not creating a miniature classroom in the home.Instead, unschoolers focus on living a rich and stimulating life together. Seriously, that's it. We do not "school," but, instead, we concentrate on living a life filled with opportunities and possibilities and experiences. Human children are born learners. Literally. What unschoolers aim for is keeping that love of learning and intense curiosity alive as the children grow up.How do we do this? In practice, it is going to look very different for each unschooling family. "We follow our interests," is the unschoolers' anthem. And, each family's interests will lead to all kinds of learning—history, math, writing, music, reading, science, and all the other real-life subject matter that is valuable and interesting. But we won't think of them as "subjects." We'll just think of them as interesting and fun and fascinating and something we want to pursue further or not. One thing will lead to another and life goes on and kids learn and parents learn and life is full of opportunity everywhere we look.It is natural for people to learn—each in their own way. It is natural for children to want to understand the world around them. They also want to join the adult world and become competent and capable adults themselves. They'll strive for this in their own natural ways. Unschooling parents work on creating a home environment that supports their children's natural desire to learn and grow.Each child is unique and experiences the world in a different way than any other person and expresses themselves in ways that are different from every other person. There is no curriculum in the world that is designed specifically and dynamically for any particular child, but an unschooling lifestyle can, in effect, provide a 100 percent individualized learning experience. Unschoolers aren't likely to learn exactly what the professional educators and textbook publishers think they should—so, in that sense, they will have gaps in their learning. But they'll learn so much more, too, that is not included in those lists of "learning standards." What is important for one person to learn is not necessarily important for another and we don't really have any way of predicting what will be important to know in the future. We DO know that learning that is forced or pressured is not lasting and that most of what kids are "taught" is not truly "learned" in any kind of lasting way unless it is something in which they are interested.Unschoolers also have in mind a lifelong timeline for learning. We don't worry about whether a child is "at grade level" because we know that children are learning "something" all the time and that they will eventually learn whatever they need to know for whatever reasons they have. We don't worry that they'll miss something important because, if it is important, they'll realize that and find a way to learn it.A true unschooling slogan is, "Life is learning, learning is life." Unschoolers simply do not think there are times for learning and times for not learning. They don't divide life into school time or lesson time versus play time or recreation time. There is no such thing as "extracurricular" to an unschooler—all of life, every minute of every day, counts as learning time and there is no separate time set aside for education.Is unschooling right for everyone? My answer is, "It depends." I think ALL children can learn and grow and thrive as unschoolers. But, I also think it takes an intensity and focus on living life with a great deal of gusto on the part of unschooling parents. Unschooling parents work hard. For example, they must develop a very high level of sensitivity to their children to know what to offer, when to support, when to back off, how busy they want to be, how much solitude they need, when to nudge them a bit with encouragement, when to get more involved, and so on. AND parents need to be able to always have their kids and their interests in the back of their minds, thinking always about what would interest them; bringing the world to them and bringing them to the world in ways that "click" for that particular child. And it takes a great deal of trust that the child will learn without external pressure.We could do the curriculum—I could put together a few hours per day of "school work," insisting that my children do it. But I've read everything I could get my hands on about learning and I've had 30 years of teaching experience and I know, deep down inside, that any coercion in learning creates either open resistance, passivity, or apathy, and I don't want to create any of those in my children. Learning feels good—it might be hard, but it is also pleasurable. Coercion feels bad and trying to learn under coercion is not pleasurable, even when we make the best of it. Children who have only experienced the pleasure of unforced learning show the effect in their incredible creativity, confidence, intensity, focus, persistence, self-knowledge, and strong sense of personal responsibility.Not all parents WANT their children to grow up strong-willed and truly independent- minded. And, it is fair warning to say: "Be careful what you wish for." If what we mostly want is for our children to respect us and to adopt our beliefs and goals, unschooling may not be for us. Many parents have a general definition of "success" in their own heads, and what they want is for their children to achieve their version of success. Many want their children to offer living proof that they were good parents—they may even be especially interested in outcomes that will impress friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Again, unschooling is probably not a good fit under those circumstances.Unschoolers do have goals, though, that impact our day-to-day interactions with our kids. We want our children to discover their life's passions and to jump into them with both feet, with confidence and trust in life and themselves. We want our children to know, deep inside themselves, that they are strong and capable and can make their own individual choices. We want them to be willing to buck the mainstream culture AND buck the counterculture and think for themselves and do what they think is right and good and worthy and valuable.I think, most of all, we want them to love being alive—now and in their future.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Our house

Well things are coming along. We are still in demolition mode, riping out drywall and well actually entire walls. Sam and his brothers finished the sill work and the mold guy came and cleaned out the mold in the attic. Now we are just going to focus on the kitchen and getting the washer and dryer installed, once that is done we'll move in. Our cabinets come in on Wednesday, and the counter on Friday. We just have to get the drywall done and then we can install everything, and do the floors, oh yeah and paint. Hmmm, it seems like so much more when you start to list it out. We decided to put off the master bedroom and the office until later. It's been rough on Isaac and the dog going back and forth so much (not to mention the huge amount we are paying in gas), so were just going to get the necessities done and work on the rest while we live there. I keep meaning to download the pictures, but I never remember till I'm sitting here, exhausted and wanting to go to bed. I swear I'll do it soon. ;)


I came across this article on homeschooling. I really like it and thought I would post it here so others could see how I view homeschooling. So much freedom for Isaac to learn however he wants, and be who he wants to be.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy busy

We have just been so busy, I haven't had time to update. Let's see last week, oh no, it was two weeks ago, we had an Earth day celebration at a friend's house, there where tons of people there! I have some great pics, but it's too late for me to grab them (it's 11 pm, my only personal time LOL).

Here is one that was on the web that someone else took.

Let's see it's all so blurry, LOL. Last week I don't think too much happened, nothing that is coming to my very tired mind.

Yesterday, Cinco de Mayo we had a party at a friends house, again it was a blast! I forgot my camera, so no pics. There was a pinata, that Isaac didn't get to take a swing at, but after he had the stick and was practicing on the ground. Next time for sure! He also had his first lollipop (it was the organic no HFCS type, so not too bad). He loved it, although I had to wash a couple of times, boy I forgot just how sticky they are.

Today we stayed home. We did go out for a nice walk/run, 3 miles. I really needed to get out and so did the dog. It was so nice out, minus the black flies that have come out in full force. And then the best part, the bank came back and agreed to the final price, so everything is all set we just have to sign the papers on Monday!!! I will be posting pictures next time we go, not sure if I'll do it here or on Picasa. Probably both. Anyway, I have to get to bed, just thought I'd update, since I never have time during the day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday

We had a fun last couple of days. Monday we went to the state house to show our opposition to SB 337. There was a huge turn out, the whole floor and balcony was packed! I didn't really get to catch too much of the hearing because my little monkey child was climbing up and down the stairs.

So we went outside and played for a while with some of our friends and then we went to White's Park for some more fun.

Some fun at the park

Isaac having fun, and meeting new people. This little girl really seemed to like him, and she kept coming over to him and touching him, and at one point asked Isaac to take her shoe off, I told her Isaac is a little to young for that, and she is moving a little too fast. LOL

Tuesday we went to our N-A-P meeting (natural attachment parenting), and then to St. Paul's School where they have a little park. Isaac had soooo much fun. He really loves going down the slide. When we first got there he was going down, but he'd fall back as he was going or get his feet stuck under him. But by the time we left he had mastered the slide, and I could just sit him at the top and he would wiggle himself down and then slide on his own, staying in a sitting position and then stop at the bottom. Of coarse this was followed by him pointing to go down the slide again and again and again (how do you think he mastered it). We both ended up with a little pinkness to our skin when we left, but no sun burn this morning. We'll have to remember to pack some sunscreen next time.

Monday, April 14, 2008

out and about

Met Bonnie at the Candia Park today. It was cold there, but nice to get out. It was just Bonnie and Joule, Isaac and me there, so we had free rein of the place. Isaac is still a little too small for most of the things there, but he likes watching other kids.
When we got home Isaac still seemed to be interested in being outside so we walked around in the yard and did some exploring. Later we went for a two mile walk, which was really nice since it warmed up some.

I meant to mention the other day that all the teething issues we had last week were well deserved I found *3* new teeth in Isaac's mouth! Hopefully the molars come in one at a time, or Isaac is in for a rough ride!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday we went to Bonnie's to watch Joule and Tovah. Isaac had a blast! It was nice enough to go outside for a while so he got a chance to run around. We tried to get him on a swing, but he wasn't liking that so much. We walked around the yard and into the wooded area a little, and found some deer prints, Tovah and Joule thought that was pretty neat. Then it got cold so we went in and watched a movie. Isaac just loves being with other kids.

Today we went up to the bead store in Enflied to get some amber so I can make a teething necklace for Isaac. It was a LOOOOONNGG drive, and it would have cost me the same to have just ordered one from one of the moms that sell them online. Oh well, at least I get to design it myself (if I ever have time).
Then we drove over to the house to see if we could figure out how to lay out the kitchen. It was an even longer ride there, since Isaac was not very happy about being in the car. At least at the house he got a chance to run around a little. We still haven't heard from the bank, hopefully they come down a little in price. I can't wait to just say, "This is our house" and not worry that something will go wrong.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

OMG we saw a butterfly!! Could spring really be here?!! Went for a three mile walk today, it is so nice out, I was actually hot when we where in the sun. Isaac made it half way through, but then he dozed off. He's feeling better now than he was this morning.
We started out a little rough this morning. I woke up to the radio being a little too loud, with the story of some old people playing in a band, and with the start of the sound clips there was a loud drum crash and a, "I feel good....". That got Isaac stirring. Then the dog came in the room and started whining, which woke him right up. I tried to get him back to sleep nursing him, but he was restless so we got out of bed a full hour earlier than normal. Things were okay to start, but about 20 minutes later, Isaac's lack of sleep started to show, and so did mine. He was whining and fussing and signing to nurse. I figured he was just hungry, but he refused to eat. So I figured I'd sit at the PC and read my e-mails and he could nurse there. That lasted about 2 minutes until the desk prove to be too fascinating for him to just look at. I gave up and decided to make some breakfast, yogurt fruit smoothies. Isaac was not happy about this. He clung to my pants crying and signing to nurse (again) and refusing to eat the pieces of banana I was offering him. I was getting very frustrated. I thought, "maybe we just need to sit down and eat" I sat down at the table and gave him some of the smoothie and a few Cheerios. I was hoping that might do the trick, but after a few minutes he was done. He started signing "all done" and asking to nurse. "FINE" I thought. I took him out of the chair, cleaned him off and begrudgingly brought him to the bedroom to lay down to nurse. As we laid down, I felt really irritated, I just want to get some stuff done, that way we can get out of the house and enjoy the nice day, why does he have to be so fussy! Then we snuggled up on the bed, and I thought, that radio really isn't that loud. Then low and behold, that same story came back on, it was a movie review about a documentary of some elderly people who started a chorus, signing rock song. It was a really moving story, and brought some tears to my eyes. Then as the story was ending Isaac's little hand came up to my face, and he was rubbing the palm of his hand on my nose, very gently, and then he drifted off to sleep. All the irritation and aggravation just drained from me, with a few deep breathes. My baby is sleeping, the dog is outside and not barking and I have a chance to sit at the PC and right my story down.
Uh oh the dog is starting to bark. I swear, never a moments rest! LOL Oh and Isaac's up.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pics for today

The top and bottom are pics of us at the park. In the top Isaac has his pine cone, and the bottom is him watching some of his friends on the slide.

The other three are us out in the yard, him cleaning the bird bath, and the aftermath, and then doing his best to rake up some leaves with me.


April 9 2008

We had a very exciting day today. Isaac and I went to Rollins Park in Concord after our LLL meeting, but the park still had 6+ inches of snow. Isaac walked around the edge of the snow and found some pine cones. I was hoping he'd be able to go on the swing, but there was just too much snow. He seemed to enjoy his time there regardless of the snow.

When we got home Isaac slept for almost 2 hours!! And then we went exploring outside. We heard a barred owl and a wood pecker. Isaac helped me rake out the leaves and then he "cleaned out" the bird bath, and after I had to clean him.

We are still going through the inspection process of the house. We found some issues, but it looks like we should be able fix them. Sam is going there tonight with a guy that does foundation work to get an estimate for the sill work. I'll put up some pictures when I get a chance.