Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day at the State House

Last week we spent the day at the State House to voice our opposition to HB 367 and HB 368. It drew one of, if not the largest crowd ever to the Capitol Building, over 1000 people showed up. The hearing room was packed and there were lines snaking all around the building. We ended up spending most of the time outside, but did make it in eventually and I was able to sign in.

The line snaking around the entry way, it extended down the hall and up the stairs, and then down the other hall, almost out to the back entry.

This is the line in the back of the building in the rear stair case.

Isaac cooling off, it was a balmy 50* that day, and it felt soooo good to be out!

Standing room only.
We will be hearing in a couple of week s whether they voted inexpedient to legislate or if they pass it.

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