Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today we...

We enjoyed watching our ladies and roosters foraging in the back yard. Hopefully eating all the ticks that have been plaguing us.

Made silly putty for the boys to play with.

Isaac giving Jacoby and Deanie chick lessons.

Enjoyed some time with my sweet little girl. Oh, is there anything sweeter than a naked baby. Love!

Planted some carrots and fed and trimmed some rhubarb. You'll have to excuse the angle, I was holding a sweet little baby.

Looked at the garden I gave to the boys and realized, they were growing lots of weeds.  Perhaps some recipes for dandilion greens are in order?  I think so.

And last, but not least, there was a free section at the library where this oh so interesting puzzle was, and I just could not resist. 
Now, I'm off to bake a loaf of sourdough and shred the pork for our pulled pork dinner. Hope your day was wonderful too.

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