Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Harvest

Aren't they beautiful? Other than all the green ones Coby has been eating, this is our first bounty to come from the garden this season (oh and the chives).  There is something so rewarding about growing your own food. The satisfaction of planting and growing and finally harvesting.  These berries were a year in the making, since I planted the bushes last year and then nipped all the buds so it would produce runners and grow stronger roots.
These berries are looooong gone, I could barely snap the photo, but there are many many more coming (assuming I can keep Coby away from them before they ripen), and I hope enough that we can preserve some.  Oh, I dream of a day when we have a large enough garden to grow and freeze or can food to last us through the winter months.  I am borrowing this book from a friend, Preserving Summer's Bounty and it's excellent.  I'm so looking forward to trying my hand at canning. I did get two whole stocks of rhubarb (oh, see another harvest I'm forgetting) so maybe a little strawberry rhubarb jam is in order.

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